Blog Post 3


As a teacher, I would take pride in my work. Whether that’s mine or my students’, it’s work that was created first hand originally. I would enforce citations of essays or different ways to avoid plagiarism like a works cited page at the end. I have learned that copyright is treated very seriously and there are different extents that they go to to make sure copyright isn’t happening. I think a lingering question would be, is it treated as harshly with a kindergartener as it would be for a college student or 30 year old?

Technology has been a very beneficial invention for our society. It has allowed us to make leaps of progress in medical studies, engineering, and something as simple as GPS navigation on your cell phone. However, while this is beneficial in society, I would say in the classroom this case might be different. When technology is implemented in a classroom, there is a decrease in productivity or attention. If students have laptops placed in front of them for an extended period of time, the chances of them getting distracted or going on another website to play games is very high. A possible solution to this problem is to have the teacher be the one to share their screens while the students write on paper. 

It’s no mystery to anyone that the newly invented “ChatGPT" can be used to easily cheat and have homework assignments done for you. Due to this, I believe that ChatGPT is hurting student learning. This is because it is stripping children of the chance to learn how to properly write. If it’s always done for them with the click of a button, they will never take the chance or the time to learn grammar, format, and rules of english on their own. Children nowadays are glued to screens and will do anything if it’s convenient.

Since working on the Newsletter Design, I would say that I’ve gained a lot of new skills. Prior to the assignment, I never used Microsoft Word because it was way harder to navigate than other websites. However, now I am way more educated on what does what on MW. To improve my newsletters moving forward, I can add more text instead of just text boxes and maybe more clipart. Since I want to be a teacher, I can use the skills I’ve learned doing this assignment and put them towards a possible newsletter for my class in the future. 


  1. Hey girl!! I love that you feel better about using MS Word because it has so many more features than Google Docs! Keep killin' it!!


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